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Weekly Burn #9: ExMortis

Waddup fellow readers! Let's waste no time and dive right into some ExMortis highlights.

The cool cats over at reviewed the first four issues of ExMortis and had some really fantastic things to say. (Sidenote: We really appreciate the compliments on our website. I’m going to pretend you said something bad about the website to the guy who made it, but then as a sad face washes over his face, I’ll say, “nah, just kidding man, they loved it!” and then we’ll all celebrate because that website did come out great!) Thanks for reading guys!!! Comicbooked also conducted an interview with one of 451 most prolific creators: Andi Ewington. Quite worth the read. Andi you are a monster of a writer and I hope you become Scrooge McDuck wealthy.

Here we have some greetings from the Comics-verse, my favorite universe of all time. They gave ExMortis 4/5+ stars in every category. Thank you so much guys. I’d give you all my stars, but someone I know didn’t save my Mario Galaxy 2 game and lost them all. And I will never, ever, forgive him (you shameful coward). But I digress, thanks for the thoughtful review!!!

Joshua Bardy highlighted lots about ExMortis that I love, but what I want to highlight most from his review is the following: “What makes this story really shine, though, is the art. It isn't often a black and white comic can really hold it's own with so many of the full-colored comics out there, but Raymund Bermudez's art is a true descendant of all that made old pulp horror comics so great. It's got a dynamic flow, great layouts, and even the splatters between the panels are evocative of all the blood that is being spilled in these pages.” We’re so proud of the art too. In case there are any future comic artist out there that want to be free to express themselves to the full extent of their talent, feel free to come over to 451. Also, artists, please picture me speaking like Suge in this video, pulling you away from the stifling corporate competition. 451 is coming for you!!!

Popshifter reviewed the first four issues of ExMortis. And just to hammer home my Suge-Kight-like digust with the lack of compassion for the readers that our competition puts out, let me highlight the following: “ExMortis offers something else for fans; value. Forty pages of story for $3.99; compare that to Marvel or DC who give you about half the content per issue for the same price. I’m a comics fan on a budget and that impressed me. The black and white artwork and monster designs are excellent as well. Bermudez captures a nice balance between a classic war movie and a moody creature feature.” READERS, come on over to our side, you’ll want to stick around. Thanks Pop Shifter!!!

Check in next week to hear what people have been saying about Six and Humbug!

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