Meet the world’s first paranormal investigator - Ebenezer Scrooge. A dark historical revisionist take on the classic character from Dickens’ CHRISTMAS CAROL answers the question of what happened to Scrooge the day after that oh so famous Christmas Eve intervention and his grave encounter from the Other Side? Scrooge opens London’s first Paranormal Agency for hire, The House of Humbug. Together with his nephew Fred, Bob Cratchit and Bob’s all grown up six-foot, not-so-tiny-son, Tiny Tim, Scrooge and his team of Victorian ghostbusters use their wits and resources to rid the city of malevolent spooks and spirits taking over London.
HUMBUG just may be greatest story never told.
Written by: AJ Gentile
Illustrated by: Cosmo White
Edited by: David Forrest

ARTIST: cosmo white
Cosmo White is a British comic book artist who made his start as part of the small-press outfit Underfire Comics. White soon gained the attention of UK Publisher Titanand they put him to work on Transformers and Monsters vs. Aliens, he has also done work for Com.X on the project Blue Spear.
CREATOR: aj gentile
A.J. Gentile share the same DNA and fingerprints. Their credits include the first adaption of G.I. JOE - The Movie and adaptation of Mark Helprin’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, A WINTER’S TALE for Warner Brothers; TITAN RISING, the sequel toORCA, THE KILLER WHALE for Dino DeLaurentis; FATAL MISSION starring Peter Fonda and Tia Carrera; and their original screenplay, SLAYRIDE optioned by Brooksfilm. Their novels include THE JUDAS SEED, published by Dell Books and the fantasy thriller, THE DEAD SEASON. They have created many best-selling children’s brands, products and programming including the POWER GLOVE, SKY DANCERS,DRAGONFLYZ, BUCKY O’HARE, VANPIRES, and many more classic brands and IP.