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451 & Crypt TV Presents: Slay Per View

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

@Skyebros bloody livestream lets you decide who LIVES and who DIES...

This is our first collaboration with Crypt TV, the masters of bloody and twisted horror content! We welcome you to meet the SKYE BROTHERS, the social media thrill killers who livestream the torture of their victims and invite YOU, the fans and viewers, to participate. In this adventure, Rickey and Ronny Skye pay a visit to a certain Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who has a hobby of hunting endangered animals. After his latest murder of the the protected tiger RAMA, the Skye brothers decided it's time to deliver justice and give the internet trolls what they've been begging for - in all its gory entertainment!

Head over to CryptTV's Facebook to watch the full video!

Revenge is a dish best served rare...and bloody.

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