Six #2Synopsis: In the jaw-dropping second issue of Six, written by legendary crime writer George Pelecanos (HBO's The Wire, Treme), we begin...
Imagination to Burn: George Pelecanos451 Media Group is proud to present the next interview from our series highlighting our wonderful creatives: Imagination to Burn. Up next...
451 'Weekly Burn' #4Reader, Reader, Reader, oh how I've missed you. The West Wing of the 451 Clan of the Eternal Flame has been moving around quite a bit...
Six - A Buried PastWelcome to Six, a tale of war at it's worst, and fighting soldiers at their best. Few bonds can rival the brotherhood forged by soldiers...
SIX Issue #1 In Stores Today!From acclaimed writer George Pelecanos comes 451's latest title, 'Six'! Available today wherever comic books are sold, and online at...
ExMortis Issue #1 Preview Motion TrailerWith each new release 451 Media Group hopes to set a new standard in motion comics. With that in mind, allow us to introduce the newest...